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Technology instructors


If there is something that you are interested in that we do not offer, please contact us and we will do our best to find an instructor for you!

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Sam Levine

Programming/Video Editing/Graphic Design

Sam is a Junior at SHS and has roughly 5 years of programming experience. As a digital native, he is very experienced with the many facets of technology and computers. Sam built his own computer 3 years ago and has been using it to pursue hobbies such as competitive eSports, photo/video editing, and more. Sam is currently the president of the eSports club at the High School, and helps run school events and teams that compete in national High School tournaments. 


Carson Cohen

Drones/Videography/Website Design

Carson is an Freshman at Scarsdale Middle School. He has a passion for business and technology.  He is working on creating a drone club at SMS. He likes to fly his DJI Spark drone, take videos and photos with his Go Pro and then edit the footage using Final Cut software into cool videos. To check out his youtube channel, click here. In addition, Carson has started a few businesses and created websites and power points for them. 

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